So, over Christmas, I finally plucked up the courage to de-flesh the crow heads! And boy was it fun....not.
I put them in a metal pot filled with boiling water and left them outside, but because ot was so cold it didn't do much. Thankfully my parents aren't squeamish so they let me put the heads i the pot with a lid on in the bottom oven of the ago to slow cook.
Like a Crow Head Casserole...
It smelled so odd. The heads weren't rotting as they'd been frozen but the smell was indescribable. Not over powering just lingering like a musty room. It did smell like death.
Then I spent a morning with a tea towel wrapped round my face and vinyl gloves on, picking away at the flesh and feathers. Mum even helped too. I think she enjoyed it more than me. So much so that she took over while I wrote my dissertation.
A few days later I went to the fishing tackle shop in Penzance and brought some fine looking blue bottle maggots.
£2 a pint, cheaper than the pub!
I put the skulls in a tub covered with soil and emptied the maggots on top. They had to be kept warm-ish so they would be lively and eat the flesh. I put them on the mantle piece but took them down after a day and night as I didn't want them to cook.
Now they are sat behind the loo in my house in Bristol. They have probably died of cold now seeing as it's been snowing the last few days. I just want to wait a bit more before I empty them, somewhere on the Downs in a wide open space. I checked on them a few times but it smells so awful.
Dinner? |
I filmed them wriggling...
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